Last year I bought artificial Christmas tree from Jusco, Cheras Selatan. Together with Miss Pipo we end up getting a white Christmas tree. That was the first time I decorated my white Christmas tree. And Miss Pipo blogged about it before in "ChristmasMood" post.
"flashback the memories"
Christmas celebration is around the corner so I took out the box of Christmas tree from my yard. Found some old Christmas hats and deers horn hair wear as well. This time I'm going to do it myself with help from my siblings ;)
bought it 2-3 years ago
really match with my white Christmas tree
slightly up, some down, with curving up a bit at the ends to better hold ornaments
Done with my naked white Christmas tree.
Now we can start with the decorations ;)
Thanks to my Da jie and Miss Pipo for the help
Ho! Ho! Ho!
It's time to hunt for the presents!!