I got 2 complimentary ticket to the match from Supersport Channel and managed to give one of the ticket to my cousin, Single eyelid boy.

By the way, thanks to YCGallery for borrowing his baby to me. I hope I can capture better pictures this time with DSLR camera but too bad as I arrived late and unable to grab a better seat.

Normally this will happened when waiting for people to gather together and travel in one car.
By the way, thanks to YCGallery for borrowing his baby to me. I hope I can capture better pictures this time with DSLR camera but too bad as I arrived late and unable to grab a better seat.
Normally this will happened when waiting for people to gather together and travel in one car.
As usual warm up session by both teams and this is my best shot after edited. Not so perfect but just enjoy!

Finally this is what we waiting for and kick-off time will be 8.45pm. Again my best shot after edited.
FIFA fair play flag joining in
Moment of silence before kick-off in tribute for those who lost their lives in Jakarta bombing incident
waiting for the referee to blow his whistle
1st goal from Macheda in the 11th minutes
high five!!
Owen struck his 2nd goal in the 13th minutes
The goal scorer
Give me ten!!
half time result 2-0
Not full as the first match
Malaysia supporter

Goodbye wave from Malaysia team
Well done!!

Well done!!
Malaysia XI lost to Manchester United 2-0 in rematch game. Overall I enjoy so much and couldn't believe how lucky am I after watching my favorite team in action for the second time.
*Slapped myself few times*
*Slapped myself few times*
wahhhh my face so gemuk.. oh no!!
diet diet diet
diet?? haha nola. Jomlah.. we go jalan jalan cari makan. wanna follow me to banting?
bila nak pergi? banting jus next to kajang?
around 45 minutes. Got one nice chinese restaurant offer a nice food. I jus got no chance n time to go there and try. We plan one weekend. OK?
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